OBJAVA PROSTEGA DELOVNEGA MESTA: Odvetniški kandidat/odvetniška kandidatka Odvetnik dr. Blaž Kovačič Mlinar iz Ljubljane zaposli odvetniškega kandidata/odvetniško kandidatko. Zaposlitev se sklepa za nedoločen čas, s 6 mesečnim poskusnim delom.

Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, ZKP-N

At its session on 26 March 2019 the National Assembly went through the Act Amending the Criminal Procedure Act (ZKP-N). It is an important and comprehensive amendment. The amendment came into force on 20 April 2019 and will be applied six months after its entry into force, with the exception of the amended and new provisions of Article 149a, Article 149b, Article 149c, Article 149c, 149d Article 149d, Article 149 e, Article 150 a, Article 150 b, Article 152, Article 153, paragraphs 1 to 4 and 6 of article 154, article 156 and article 156 a will be used within three months of the date of entry into force. Pending the entry into force of the new provisions, the previous provisions shall apply.